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current semester (winter 2008/09)

Foundations of Logic (link to StudIP)

Extended Cognition, together with Miriam Kyselo (link to StudIP)

Vagueness, together with Peter Bosch, Carla Umbach, and Cornelia Endriss (link to StudIP)

previous semesters

summer 2008

Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind, University of Osnabrueck, BA-seminar

summer 2008

Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind (together with Achim Stephan), University of Osnabrueck, lecture

summer 2008

The Evolution of Mind, Culture, and Society, University of Osnabrueck, BA-seminar

winter 2007/08

Foundations of Logic, University of Osnabrueck, lecture

winter 2007/08

Philosophy of Cognition (together with Achim Stephan), University of Osnabrueck, BA-seminar

summer 2007

Neuere Arbeiten zur Naturalismusdebatte in der Philosophie des Geistes, University of Osnabrueck, BA-seminar

summer 2007

Einführung in die Erkenntnistheorie, University of Osnabrueck, lecture

summer 2007

Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind, University of Osnabrueck, BA-seminar

winter 2006/07

David Hume: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, University of Bielefeld, BA-seminar

winter 2006/07

George Berkeley: A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowlege, University of Bielefeld, BA-seminar

winter 2006/07

Gott und Evolution?, University of Bielefeld, BA-seminar

summer 2006

Werkstattseminar (together with Ansgar Beckermann), University of Bielefeld, MA-seminar

summer 2006

Präsentation, University of Bielefeld, BA-seminar

summer 2006

Handlungen und Handlungsgründe, University of Bielefeld, BA-seminar

winter 2005/06

Grundprobleme der Sprachphilosophie, University of Bielefeld, MA-seminar

winter 2005/06

David Hume: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, University of Bielefeld, BA-seminar

summer 2005

Skeptizismus, University of Bielefeld, BA-seminar

summer 2005

Grundfragen der Religionsphilosophie, University of Bielefeld, BA-seminar

winter 2004/05

Einführung in die Religionsphilosophie, University of Saarland, Proseminar

summer 2004

Philosophie des Geistes: Physikalismus und Mentale Verursachung, University of Saarland, Proseminar

summer 2004

Noel Carroll: A Philosophy of Mass Art, University of Saarland, Proseminar

winter 2003/04

Einführung in die Philosophie des Geistes (together with Gilbert Scharifi), University of Saarland, Proseminar

winter 2003/04

Handlung, Wahrheit und Bedeutung: Eine Einführung in die Philosophie von Donald Davidson, University of Saarland, Proseminar

summer 2003

Physikalismus: Pro und Contra (together with Heinz-Dieter Heckmann), University of Saarland, Hauptseminar

summer 2003

Einführung in die Philosophie der Biologie, University of Saarland, Proseminar

winter 2002/03

Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie (together with Daniel Schoch), University of Saarland, Hauptseminar